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This was amazing to read, and one of my favorites today.

Regarding the essential part—

“This is the difference between ויאמר and וידבר—the creation of the world and revelation of Torah. God’s wisdom is infused in all of creation, but it is only through Torah that the Author Himself confronts us. We are forced, so to speak to respond.

Only a דיבור reveals the speaker within their words. In fact, in Hebrew only the word דיבור can mean a speaker, a דובר, as opposed to אמירה, there is no such thing as a מאמר referring to the speaker.

Interestingly, when the Talmud discusses the non-Jewish world’s relationship to the Aseres HaDibbros, it calls them maamaros (מאמרות) because the dibbur of Torah was not directed at them. It is like they are overhearing someone else’s conversation.

God wrote a book called The World and a commentary on that book called the Torah, Rav Tzadok writes. We can choose whether or not to respond to the questions of divinity as revealed through the world, but the revelation of Torah— דברות, demands our attention because within the Torah we meet the Author.”

A question disturbed my mind: There have been some very good short explanations of The Aseres HaDibbros and one was in the stack today.

But if This is our mail and our Directives and subsequently our responsibilities,

Then should we be publicizing It?

Like, for instance, restacking, etc.?

On the other hand, if someone is actually sincerely interested in reading in order to understand, then it seems to be appropriate to do so. However there is another problem because of the dearth of interest resultant in offensive harmful behavior, generally speaking as well as collectively speaking.

It would be a pleasure to hear your response.

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